Events Archive

Movement is a defining characteristic of animals. They have evolved a diversity of successfulmovement strategies where responsiveness to their surroundings is paramount and perturbations arethe norm. My research program seeks to understand the physiological basis of a central challenge foranimals: the generation of stable, versatile locomotion through complex environments. Locomotionarises through the interplay of multiple physiological systems acting in the context of an organism’sinteractions with it environment. A central task for animals during locomotion is acquiring, processing,transforming and acting upon information. Yet nervous systems...
The standard model of cosmology suggests that the universe started with a phase of very high density, described by general relativity as a singularity. Quantum gravity attempts to resolve the singularity by a more fundamental, microscopic theory whose equations remain valid and could tell us what happened at or even before the big bang. This talk reviews one approach, loop quantum gravity, and discusses several surprising new results that shed light on the structure of quantum space-time, with implications for mathematical modeling and conceptual questions in cosmology.
Following Yogi Berra's advice, I will use high-speed video clips to highlight some of the interesting physics underlying the game of baseball.  The talk will focus on two broad aspects of the game:  the physics of the baseball-bat collision and the flight of the baseball through the air. I will investigate some very practical questions and show how a  physicist goes about trying to answer these question.  Some examples:  what is the "sweet spot" of a bat; how does the batter's grip affect the batted ball; why does aluminum outperform wood; how determines how far a fly travels; how much...
The mechanisms governing the transfer of pathogens between infected and non-infected members of a population are critical in shaping the outcome of an epidemic. This is true whether one considers human, animal or plant populations. Despite major efforts to investigate the large-scale population-level disease dynamics and the micro-scale pathogen-level dynamics, the fundamental mechanisms of transmission of most pathogens remain poorly understood. A critical gap in our understanding of the bridge between population-level and pathogen-level mechanisms persists. Drawing upon clinical data, fluid experiments and theoretical modeling I will discuss...
Animals move with a level of grace, speed, and agility that, as of yet, eludes our best  attempts at robotic mimicry.  In this talk we will discuss the modeling and dynamics of rapid vertical ascension and review some recent efforts at instantiating these results into climbing robots.  
The motor protein kinesin uses adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as a fuel and walks along the microtubule filaments in the cell. They are vital for manycellular processes including intracellular transport and cell division.  Although recent progress in experiments yielded much information regardingtheir motility, a structure-based, physical mechanism by which the motor amplifies the ATP-driven small conformational change in the motor head intoa large, 8-nm stepping motion remains largely a mystery. I will discuss molecular dynamics simulations elucidating its force-generation mechanismand tests by...
Relics of early life, preceding even the last universal common ancestor of all life on Earth, are present in the structure of the modern day canonical genetic code --- the map between DNA sequence and amino acids that form proteins.  The code is not random, as often assumed, but instead is now known to have certain error minimization properties.  How could such a code evolve, when it would seem that mutations to the code itself would cause the wrong proteins to be translated, thus killing the organism?  Using digital life simulations, I show how a unique and optimal genetic code can emerge over evolutionary time...
The motion of biological systems in fluids is inherently complex, even for the simplest organisms. In this talk, we develop methods to analyze locomotion of both mechanical and biological systems with the aim of rationalizing biology and informing robotic design. We begin by building a visualization framework studying an idealized swimmer, Purcell's three link swimmer, at low Reynolds number. This framework allows us to illustrate the complete dynamics of the system, efficiently design gaits for motion planning, and identify optimal gaits in terms of efficiency and speed. We extend the...
The rich astronomy of gravitational radiation is being intensively prepared using sophisticated analytic calculations, massive numerical simulations, and incredibly sensitive experimental facilities. These different approaches must work closely together if we are to use gravitational waves to understand the universe. Already, before the first direct detections of gravitational waves, we understand much more than a decade ago about the fascinating dynamical geometry of black holes and about the physics of how gravitational radiation is generated. Meanwhile the technologies...
The mechanisms governing the transfer of pathogens between infected and non-infected members of a population  are critical in  shaping the outcome of an  epidemic.  This is true whether one considers human,  animal or plant populations.  Despite major efforts aimed at the mathematical modeling and mitigation of infectious diseases, the fundamental mechanisms of pathogen spreading for most infectious diseases remain poorly understood.  I present here the results of  combined theoretical and...
