Contact Information
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- (470) 312-6889
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Graduate Research Assistant
- B.S. in Physics (SJTU Science Class), graduated with highest honors, Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2016
Ph.D. , Georgia Institute of Technology (Expected in 2021)
Honors & Awards
- CRIDC poster competition, College of Science Award-$1000. Grantor: Georgia Institute of Technology. Time: Feb. 2021
- 3 Minutes Thesis Competition 2019 Finalist. Grantor: Georgia Institute of Technology. Time: Nov. 2019
- Amelio Endowment and the Weatherly Fund - Graduate Student Travel Awards. Grantor: Georgia Institute of Technology. Time: May 2019
- Distinguished Student Award - $500. Grantor:American Physical Society. Time: Dec. 2018
- Amelio Endowment and the Weatherly Fund - Graduate Student Travel Awards. Grantor: Georgia Institute of Technology. Time: May 2018
My research interests are in theoretical and experimental many-body quantum mechanics. Since I'm an experimental physicist, the main research interest is in spinor Bose-Eiinstein condensation topics such as the spin squeezing, quantum controls in spin-1 system and quantum phase transitions. However, my interest is not limited only in this area. I like quantum computing, quantum simluation, atom microscope also and want to use them to study the related physical phenonmenon such as quatum gates, many-body localizations and soliton excitations.
- "Squeezed Ground States in a Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensate", Lin Xin, Maryrose Barrios, J. T. Cohen, and M. S. Chapman, 2021, under review in Nature Physics
- "Fast generation of time-stationary spin-1 squeezed states by non-adiabatic control", Lin Xin*, M. S. Chapman, and T. A. B. Kennedy, 2021, arxiv: 2109.12168, under review in PRX Quantum
- "Singular loops and their non-abelian geometric phases in spin-1 ultracold atoms", H. M. Bharath, M. Boguslawski, M. Barrios, Lin Xin and M. S. Chapman, 2019, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123.173202(2019)
- "Fraunhofer-like diffracted lateral photoelectron momentum distributions of H2+ in charge-resonance-enhanced ionization in strong laser fields", Lin Xin, Han-Cheng Qin, Wan-Yang Wu, and Feng He, Phys. Rev. A 92, 063803, 2015
Talks & Presentations
- Lin Xin, Michael Chapman
- Geometry, topology and control of spin-1 atoms, 2019 Atomic Physics Conference GRC, June 9 - 14, 2019
- Lin Xin, Michael S. Chapman
- Floquet Two-axis Spin-nematic Squeezing, APS March Meeting 2019 March 4–8, 2019
- Lin Xin, Bharath H. M., Matthew Boguslawski, Maryrose Barrios, Deniz Kurdak, Michael Chapman
- Geometry, topology and control of spin-1 atoms, 49th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics APS Meeting, May 28–June 1 2018
- Lin Xin, Feng He
- Fraunhofer-like diffracted lateral photoelectron momentum distributions of H2+ in charge-resonance enhanced ionization in strong laser fields. SGSAP2015, Nov. 16-18
Memberships & Committees
1. Mentor of REU program for Mikai Hulse (2019).
2. Mentor of Nakatani RIES program for Tetsuro Ishida (2021).