Transitions in turbulent Plane Couette Flow with Rotation


The interplay of shearing and rotational forces in fluids  significantly affects the transport properties of turbulent fluids  such as the heat flux in rotating convection and the angular momentum  flux in a fluid annulus between differentially rotating cylinders. A  numerical investigation was undertaken to study the role of these  forces using plane Couette flow subject to rotation about an axis  perpendicular to both wall-normal and streamwise directions. Using a  set of progressively...


The interplay of shearing and rotational forces in fluids  significantly affects the transport properties of turbulent fluids  such as the heat flux in rotating convection and the angular momentum  flux in a fluid annulus between differentially rotating cylinders. A  numerical investigation was undertaken to study the role of these  forces using plane Couette flow subject to rotation about an axis  perpendicular to both wall-normal and streamwise directions. Using a  set of progressively increasing Reynolds numbers (650 <= Re <= 5200),  our primary findings show the momentum transport for a given Re is a  smooth but non-monotonic function of inverse Rossby number (1/Ro). For  lower turbulent Reynolds numbers, Re <= 1300, a peak in momentum  
transport occurs at 1/Ro=0.2; this peak is 50% higher than the  non-rotating (1/Ro=0) flux and is attributed to the turbulent Taylor  vortices. However, as the shear is increased to Re=5200, a second  stronger peak emerges at 1/Ro=0.03. The flux at the second peak is  nearly 20% larger than the non-rotating flux compared to the Taylor  vortex peak which is now only 16% larger. This finding contributes to  the understanding of the torque maximum found in the high-turbulence  Taylor-Couette experiments in Maryland, USA and Twente, NL.


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Event Details


  • Date: 
    Wednesday, January 23, 2013 - 10:00am

Howey W505 and