"Invariant solutions and state-space dynamics in wall-bounded flows" by Predrag Cvitanovic

It has recently become possible to compute precise equilibrium, traveling wave, and periodic orbit solutions to pipe and plane Couette flow at Reynolds numbers above the onset of turbulence. These invariant solutions capture the complex dynamics of unstable coherent structures in wall-bounded flows and provide a framework for understanding turbulent flows as dynamical systems. We present a number of weakly unstable equilibria, traveling waves, and periodic orbits of plane Couette flow and visualizations of their physical and state-space dynamics. What emerges is a picture of low-Reynolds turbulence as a walk among a set of weakly unstable invariant solutions...

It has recently become possible to compute precise equilibrium, traveling wave, and periodic orbit solutions to pipe and plane Couette flow at Reynolds numbers above the onset of turbulence. These invariant solutions capture the complex dynamics of unstable coherent structures in wall-bounded flows and provide a framework for understanding turbulent flows as dynamical systems. We present a number of weakly unstable equilibria, traveling waves, and periodic orbits of plane Couette flow and visualizations of their physical and state-space dynamics. What emerges is a picture of low-Reynolds turbulence as a walk among a set of weakly unstable invariant solutions.

(Joint work with J. F. Gibson and J. Halcrow)

[If you had attended the 11/17/2010 Physics Colloquium, 9/28/2010 School of Mathematics PDE Seminar, or 9/17/2010 Physics Grad Seminar, skip this]

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Friday, January 28, 2011 - 10:30am

Charles H. Jones Auditorium, L1205 - ES&T Building