We are in the midst of a second quantum revolution in which the laws of quantum mechanics are being applied to gain information processing and computational advantage. However, in order to accomplish tasks that are well beyond the reach of CMOS-based, von Neumann computers operating today, quantum-logic operations must be performed with ultrahigh degree of accuracy. Therefore eventual useful application of quantum technology will absolutely require efficient means of correcting hardware and software errors. The key idea behind quantum error correction (QEC) is that physical noise is local and hence errors are diagnosed by periodically measuring non-local correlations in an extended system. Remarkably, with QEC it becomes possible to carry out arbitrarily accurate quantum computation even with faulty hardware provided the error rate is below some constant threshold. Unfortunately, this tolerance to faults comes at the cost of dauntingly large hardware overhead. Recently, an alternate hardware efficient approach for QEC, based on storing quantum information in oscillators or bosonic modes, is gaining momentum. In this talk, I will present an elementary introduction to QEC as well as introduce some of the recent work in the direction of bosonic QEC.
Event Details
Date:Monday, January 27, 2020 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Environmental Biomedical Building (EBB) Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Seminar Room
For More Information Contact
Prof. Chandra Raman