Neural and mechanical determinants of stability and maneuverability in animal locomotion
Movement is a defining feature of animals. They have evolved diverse locomotor strategies, demonstrating remarkable stability and maneuverability in complex environments. To accomplish this, an animal’s nervous system acquires, processes and acts upon information. Yet to do so, the nervous system must interface with the animal’s environment through the physics of sensors and actuators. Using a series of vignettes from running and flying insects, I will show how the intersection of neurons, muscles and mechanics leads to an understanding of 1) muscle multifunctionality, 2) physiological tuning of motor control strategies, and 3) maneuverability at the extremes of sensing and movement. A common feature throughout is that the timing of neural control during the periodic dynamics of locomotion is a critical determinant of the response. In each case the animal’s neuromechanical strategy is tuned for the stability or maneuverability demands of the task rather than for maximizing absolute power or performance in all situations. By leveraging the tools of physics and engineering to probe biological systems, we can converge on neuromechanical principles that underlie an integrative science of biology movement.