"Gamma-Ray Astrophysics at the Energy Threshold of Cherenkov Telescopes" by Nepomuk Otte

For the last seven years, gamma-ray astronomy from the ground provides us with fantastic results, which address questions in astroparticle physics, cosmology, and fundamental physics.  The workhorses in the field are imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, which are the most sensitive instruments to explore the gamma-ray sky above 100 GeV in pointed observations. Amongst others I discuss the efforts to lower the energy threshold of Cherenkov telescopes, and the detection of the Crab Pulsar as one of the merits of these efforts. I close by describing ongoing efforts to develop the next generation of Cherenkov telescopes, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (...

For the last seven years, gamma-ray astronomy from the ground provides us with fantastic results, which address questions in astroparticle physics, cosmology, and fundamental physics.  The workhorses in the field are imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, which are the most sensitive instruments to explore the gamma-ray sky above 100 GeV in pointed observations. Amongst others I discuss the efforts to lower the energy threshold of Cherenkov telescopes, and the detection of the Crab Pulsar as one of the merits of these efforts. I close by describing ongoing efforts to develop the next generation of Cherenkov telescopes, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), which will achieve ten times better sensitivity than existing telescopes.

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 10:00am

Howey L5